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Companies all over the world use genetic modification in order to improve the living conditions of people all over the globe.  Some use it as a means to end a hunger crisis, while others use it as a way to improve and sustain Earth's agriculture.  No matter the reason it is being used, genetic modification is being applied to help improve our planet.​  If you would like to visit any of the innovator's websites seen below, feel free to click on their company's logo or any of the blue company links.

Scientists use genetic modification to improve Earth's agriculture.  (Image Citation 1)


Monsanto uses biotechnology to aid in improving the yield of important crops by producing genetically engineered seeds.  They aim to work alongside farmers to make agriculture more sustainable, which is their primary goal. Monsanto committed to the sustainable agriculture vision in 2008 when they announced the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative.  A few from their wide variety of products which can be found below.



Alfalfa -

​Created with herbicide resistance to Roundup® allowing for fewer weeds and higher quality hay

Canola -

​Also with herbicide resistance to Roundup® allowing for higher yield potential

Corn -

​Using as few foreign inputs as possible, Monsanto's corn still produces great yield

Soybeans -

​Allowing for herbicide resistance or a decrease in trans-fatty acids, there are a lot of soybean options

Bayer CropScience uses genetic modification to "propel farming's future".  Their products contain various herbicide and insecticide resistant traits allowing them to be planted alongside these chemicals. Their products vary with economic and societal  purposes, a few of which can be found below.


Cotton -

​Protected from various herbicides and insecticides, their cotton can now be effectively grown and sold for profit

Rice -

​Their rice has been created to withstand disease, pests, and high salt water conditions allowing their rice to be effective as food and profit

Here you can see the attributes of Bayer CropScience's cotton.

Syngenta, researching in the areas of biotic and abiotic stress to plants, works to improve the resistance of their plants along with their nutritional quality.  As one of the top genetic modification innovators along with Monsanto and Bayer CropSciences, Syngenta offers a great variety of several different plants, a few of which you can find below.


Corn -

​Their corn not only has resistance to a multitude of different herbicides, it has been noticed to be beneficial in yield, quality, and the ease of harvesting 

Oilseeds -

​Their oilseeds are made like most of their products with various environmental resistances, but also boast higher oleic acid composition

Sugar Beets -

​Their sugar beets are made for the market with glyphosate-tolerance and have a very sizable selling value

Click on this video to understand more on Syngenta's company vision and what they mean by their motto "bringing plant potential to life"​.

(Video Citation 1)

DuPont Pioneer unlike many other genetic engineering innovators does not focus on offering a product, but instead a service.  It gives up to date information on the products, weather, yield, etc. in your area allowing you to have knowledge when considering the factors involved with genetically modified crops.  Below are just a few examples of cash price charts of various crops, which you can customize to your local area on the DuPont Pioneer website.


AquaBounty specializes in aquatic life, featuring their main product AquAdvantage® salmon. They focus their efforts on sustainable production of high quality seafood and maximize the efficiency of working with aquatic animals. Although their main product is salmon, they offer a variety of fish including trout and tilapia.


This graph shows the difference in growth rates between AquAdvantage salmon and regular salmon.

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